Special Election Win

On June 5th, I had the distinct honor and privilege to be sworn into the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 68th District.  I was humbled to look over the murals of William Penn on the back walls of the House of Representatives and that he established our government almost 100 years before the United States of America – here in the great state of Pennsylvania, then known as the Province of Pennsylvania.  
There were three Special Elections held across the state.  Myself and two other state representatives were sworn into the House before our family and friends and the entire 203 House of Representatives. 
My wife Lauren and my children and I are excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve you, the people of the 68th district through the end of this year.  We are maintaining the offices of former Rep Matthew Baker and continue to have the same contact information, for more information, please visit www.RepOwlett.com.


Time to get to work!

As you know, the biggest task on our plate is working on the Pennsylvania State budget.  Immediately after I was sworn in, I was to attend the floor to get to work!  I will be spending 2-3 days a week in session.  I have also been assigned to the Insurance, Liquor Control and Human Services committees. 
With that being done, I also am set to work in our local offices.  I have spent time meeting with the Troy community, PennDOT, and local government on the Troy Bridge project.

I am also excited to team up with Rep. Tina Pickett to host a Concealed Carry Seminar, which focuses on the state’s concealed carry laws and other firearm-related laws. Whether you are a current gun owner or are considering becoming one, I encourage you to sign up and join us. The seminar will be held Thursday, July 19, from 6-8 p.m. at the Troy Sale Barn, 50 Ballard St. in Troy. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. 

The seminar will feature Bradford County Sheriff C.J. Walters. He will provide information about Pennsylvania’s firearm laws, how to safely interact with police when carrying a firearm and the legal aspects of Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine, which allows a homeowner to use deadly force if necessary when threatened by an armed intruder. 

Registration is required for this event and can be made by going online at  RepOwlett.com or by calling my Troy office at 570- 297-3045. Seating is limited.


Fall General Election

Vote - As your Primary Elected Republican candidate, I will also be running on the November General Election ticket for the two-year term for the PA State Representative. I would appreciate your vote!

Donate - We know that you are working hard for every dollar and there are many ways you can spend it.  Please consider investing in our effort to create an amazing future for the next generation. You can visit us on our website www.owlettforparep.com or mail a check to - Friends of Clint Owlett, 769 Plank Road Morris, PA. 16938

Share – Please share this newsletter with a friend and encourage them to sign up at our website for our email updates, www.owlettforparep.com

DISCLAIMER - Please note that we are unable to receive donations from corporations and LLCs

Merle Fisher